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検索結果 (Search result):1034

  • 教育 (Education)
  • 医学系研究科・医学部(医学専攻) (Graduate School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine (Division of Medicine))
  • 大学学部生(学士) (Undergraduate student (Bachelor's Degree))
  • 大学院生(修士) (Graduate student (Master's Program))

◆学士:環境医学・公衆衛生学、環境医学・公衆衛生学実習 ◆修士:国際感染症学、国際健康政策学 (◆Bachelor: environmental medicine and public health, environmental medicine and public health practice ◆Master: international infectious diseases, international health policy)

  • 研究 (Research)
  • 基礎工学研究科・基礎工学部 (Graduate School of Engineering Science, School of Engineering Science)

人工光合成の実現を目指した太陽光ー化学エネルギー変換系の開発 (Development of a solar - chemical energy conversion system for the realisation of artificial photosynthesis)

白石 康浩・神谷 和秀・中西 周次・平井 隆之(基礎工学研究科附属太陽エネルギー化学研究センター)
SHIRAISHI Yasuhiro , KAMIYA Kazuhide , NAKANISHI Shiyuuji, HIRAI Takayuki(Graduate School of Engineering Science)