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検索結果 (Search result):1029

  • 研究 (Research)
  • 歯学研究科・歯学部 (Graduate School of Dentistry, School of Dentistry)

インフルエンザに合併する細菌性肺炎の重症化機構の解明 ~新規感染制御法の開発に向けて~ (Elucidation of mechanism underlying exacerbation of bacterial pneumonia following influenza infection for development of preventive and therapeutic measures against superinfection)

教授 川端 重忠(歯学研究科 微生物学講座)
KAWABATA Shigetada(Graduate School of Dentistry)

  • 研究 (Research)
  • 医学系研究科・医学部(医学専攻) (Graduate School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine (Division of Medicine))

前頭側頭型認知症における異常伸長RNA蓄積病態の解明と新規治療法開発 (Elucidation of the mechanism of abnormally expanded repeat RNA accumulation and development of novel therapeutic strategies thereof in frontotemporal dementia)

講師 森 康治、教授 池田 学(医学系研究科 精神医学)
MORI Kohji, IKEDA Manabu((Graduate School of Medicine))