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プラズマの効率的な活用による環境調和型農業技術開発・水処理滅菌技術開発 (Development of environmentally harmonised agricultural technology and water treatment sterilisation technology through efficient use of plasma)
浜口 智志・北野 勝久(工学研究科)
HAMAGUCHI Satoshi , KITANO Katsuhisa(Graduate School of Engineering)
ムーンショット型研究開発事業「産業活動由来の有害な窒素化合物の循環技術創出ープラネタリーバウンダリー問題の解決に向けて」 (Moonshot Research and Development Program 'Creation of recycling technology for harmful nitrogen compounds derived from industrial activities ~ to solve planetary boundary issues')
池 道彦・井上 大介(工学研究科)
IKE Michihiko , INOUE Daisuke(Graduate School of Engineering)
OJE(On the Job Education)による実践型演習 (Practical exercises through OJE (On the Job Education))
海洋・都市基盤工学グローバルリーダー育成特別プログラム (Special Programme for the Development of Global Leaders in Marine and Urban Infrastructure Engineering)
面光源の高周波数駆動(無機/有機界面でのキャリア注入速度に着目した有機電界発光素子の高周波数駆動化) (High-frequency drive of surface light sources (high-frequency drive of organic field emitting devices focusing on carrier injection speed at the inorganic/organic interface))
サステナブル材料の開発(多糖型高分子の修飾によるサステナブル材料の開発) (Development of sustainable materials (Development of sustainable materials by modification of polysaccharide-type polymers))